The scope of FoodNutriX: International Journal of Food and Nutrition Advancements includes original research articles, review articles and other scholarly contributions that advance the understanding of food and nutrition. For further detail, please see the section “Aim and Scope” of the Journal. To prepare the manuscript, the author should strictly follow the Journal guidelines.
Manuscript Layout
When preparing your manuscript for submission, please ensure that you follow the formatting guidelines provided by FoodNutriX: International Journal of Food and Nutrition Advancements. Here are the specific requirements:
- Paper Size: Use A-4 size paper (210 × 297 mm) for your manuscript.
- Line Spacing: Set the line spacing to double throughout the document.
- Font: Utilize Times New Roman font with a size of 12.
- Margins: Maintain a margin of 2.5 cm on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right) of the page.
- Abbreviations: Define all abbreviations at their first mention in the manuscript and use them consistently thereafter.
- Placement of Tables and Figures: Place all tables and figures at the end of the manuscript, after the References section.
- Page Numbering: Number all pages of the manuscript consecutively.
By adhering to these guidelines, you will ensure that your manuscript meets the specified formatting requirements for submission to FoodNutriX: International Journal of Food and Nutrition Advancements.
The title of the manuscript should be concise and self-explanatory.
Authors and affiliations
Full names of authors along with affiliation (including country name), email, and ORCiD (optional) must be mentioned. The corresponding author may be indicated by a * and his/her E-mail address, and telephone number should also be given.
Four to seven of the most relevant keywords should be given, not appearing in the title of the manuscript.
Short running title
Authors should provide a short-running title for their manuscripts
The abstract should contain a brief introduction of the problem and methodology, followed by the significant results and one or two concluding sentences (s). It should not exceed 250 words.
The introduction should be comprehensive indicating the background of the study, the most recent and relevant review on the topic, and the hypothesis or indicating objectives of the study.
Materials and Methods
The section should contain essential details of materials used and methodology adopted, including experimental design and statistical analysis. The units must be abbreviated according to the International System of Units (SI units). Equations or formulae should be written by using the equation editor or MathType.
The results should be written in the past tense. The section should include the findings of the research only without any discussion. The results should be presented either in table form or in figures, not the same data in both forms to avoid any duplication of results. However, plates or photographs, dendrograms, phylogenetic trees, and line drawings can also be given as figures.
The results obtained should be discussed logically in the light of most recent literature.
This section should contain a short conclusion text, only highlighting significant findings of the study in 2-4 sentences.
Acknowledgments should include grants, funds, and people who helped in conducting research or in the preparation of the manuscript, etc. The names of sponsors/funding organizations should be written in full.
Please note that while submitting your paper, you may use any citation style. However, throughout the paper, the same reference style must be consistently followed. If your paper is accepted, you will be required to format the references in accordance with the APA (American Psychological Association) style guidelines for the final publication.
Submission of Manuscripts
Please click here to see the manuscript submission instructions.
Policy on Ethics
To maintain the highest standards of originality and integrity in published research, authors submitting manuscripts to FoodNutrix are required to include a plagiarism report along with their submission. This report serves as evidence that the content of the manuscript is free from substantial plagiarism.
At FoodNutrix, we take plagiarism seriously. Manuscripts found to contain 20% or more plagiarized material will be rejected without undergoing further review. We believe that originality is a fundamental aspect of scientific research, and we strive to uphold the principles of academic honesty and intellectual integrity.
By implementing this policy, we aim to ensure that the research published in FoodNutrix is original, innovative, and contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge. We encourage authors to use plagiarism detection tools and thoroughly check their work for any instances of unintentional or unauthorized use of others' work.
We appreciate the authors' cooperation in adhering to this requirement, as it helps us maintain the quality and credibility of the journal. Together, we can foster a research community that values originality, integrity, and responsible scholarly conduct. For further detail, please review the Journal’s "Policies and procedures for handling allegations of author misconduct, scientific misconduct or other ethical violations".
Review Process
At FoodNutrix, all contributions undergo a thorough evaluation process to ensure suitability for our journal. The Chief Editor initially assesses the submissions for their appropriateness. Papers that meet the criteria are then sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers who evaluate the scientific quality of the paper. The fate of the manuscript is determined based on the referees' comments and recommendations.
The final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles lies with the Chief Editor, whose judgment is considered conclusive. To maintain integrity, editors do not participate in decisions concerning papers they have authored, those written by family members or colleagues, or those related to products or services in which they have a personal interest. In such cases, the submission follows the journal's standard procedures, with peer review conducted independently by experts not associated with the relevant editor or their research group. At FoodNutrix, we uphold a rigorous and unbiased review process to ensure the highest standards of quality and integrity in published research.
Revenue Sources
"FoodNutriX: International Journal of Food and Nutrition Advancements" is an official annual publication of the “Pakistan Food and Nutrition Organization (PFNO)” which is a non-profit organization. The publication fee is the only revenue of the “FoodNutriX: International Journal of Food and Nutrition Advancements” which covers expenses incurred on printing issues (free distribution to libraries, and academic and research institutes) and their online publication at
Publication Fee
After acceptance of a manuscript, the corresponding author has to pay the following publication charges.
- Corresponding author affiliated with institutes inside Pakistan = PKR 5,000/-
- Corresponding authors affiliated with institutes outside Pakistan = USD 100/-
If the national corresponding author of a manuscript has a membership of the Pakistan Food and Nutrition Organization (PFNO), he/she can enjoy a 80% rebate on publication charges for each accepted paper.